
21-27 march #‎NOORtakeover




In 1979 the United Nations General Assembly established a Week of Solidarity with the Peoples struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination.


In occasion of this celebration, from 21 to 27 March NOOR photographers Nina Berman and Jon Lowenstein will takeover the noorimages instagram feed to showcase their work on racial discrimination in America and the ways in which - from the BlackLivesMatter movement to the protests against Islamophobia - activists and civil rights movements are struggling for rights in an attempt to break the cycle of violence and racism.

public lecture with yuri kozyrev, bénédicte kurzen & sebastián liste


As a special program for the public on the occasion of the NOOR-Nikon Kazakhstan 2016 Masterclass, we invite you to join NOOR Photographers Yuri Kozyrev, Bénédicte Kurzen & Sebastián Liste for an evening exploring visual journalism and documentary practice. 


Each photographer will present and share one of their own long-term projects: Yuri Kozyrev will discuss his coverage the Arab Uprisings. Bénédicte Kurzen will share her work in Nigeria, which has spanned news coverage for international media to local public exhibitions incorporating archival sources. And Sebastián Liste will present his ongoing project on crime, punishment and security in Latin America. 


Together, the NOOR photographers will talk about their strategies for building visual narratives and how and why they have invested their time into these stories and projects.



Following the event, NOOR, Nikon Europe and Medianet invite you to join us for drinks.


For more info and to register please visit the event page here. Please note seating is limited - we encourage you to register as soon as possible.




Friday 1 April 2016, 18.30-20.30

Kimep University (New building Hall #1)

Almaty, Kazakhstan


This program is made possible through the generous support of Nikon Europe.

Photo: © Yuri Kozyrev / NOOR



В рамках специальной программы для широкой общественности по случаю Мастер-класса NOOR-Nikon в Казахстане 2016, мы рады пригласить вас провести вечер с фотографами  NOOR Юрием Козыревым (Россия), Бенедикт Курзен (Франция) и Себастьяном Листом (Испания), чтобы ближе познакомиться с визуальной и документальной журналистикой.


Каждый фотограф представит один из своих долгосрочных проектов: Юрий Козырев  расскажет про освещение «арабских» волнений, Бенедикт Курзен поделится информацией о ее работе в Нигерии, получившей широкий охват - от новостных репортажей для международных медиа и до местных публичных выставок, включавших в себя архивные материалы. Себастьян Лист представит свой текущий проект о преступлениях, системе наказаний и системе безопасности в Латинской Америке.


Фотографы NOOR также будут рассказывать  о стратегиях конструирования визуальных нарративов и том, как и почему они решили инвестировать свое время и ресурсы в проекты.





participants for the noor-nikon masterclass in documentary photography


© Yuri Kozyrev / NOOR 


We are proud to announce the selected participants for the NOOR-Nikon Masterclass in Documentary Photography with NOOR photographers Yuri Kozyrev, Bénédicte Kurzen and Sebastián Liste, which will take place in Almaty, Kazakhstan, from 29 March through 2 April 2016. 


We sincerely thank everyone who put the effort into their applications and congratulate the photographers who will be taking part in the masterclass: 


Almaz Toleke (KZ)

Anisa Sabiri (TJK)

Damir Otegen (KZ)

Danil Usmanov (KG)

Darya Komleva-Litvinova (KZ)

Dmitry Motinov (KG)

Elyor Nematov (KG)

Mayya Kelova (TKM)

Nazik Muradova (TKM)

Reyhana Turdieva (KG)

Stanislav Magay (UZ)

Svetlana Zelenskaya (KG)

Turar Kazangapov (KZ)

Yuri Vedenin (UZ)


We look forward to meeting all the participants, having the chance to learn about their work and sharing experiences.

noor winners of world press photo 2016

We are pleased to announce that NOOR photographers Francesco Zizola and Sebastián Liste have been awarded in WORLD PRESS PHOTO 2016!



Francesco Zizola has been awarded 2nd prize in the Contemporary Issues category of World Press Photo 2016 for his series 'In the Same Boat'. 


"Last summer MSF launched three boats for a search and rescue action in the Mediterranean Sea. It was a strong signal to all EU governments who had not been able to quickly address the ever-increasing influx of migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean on unseaworthy vessels. This story is very important to me because in the few weeks I spent on board of the Bourbon Argos, I witnessed how essential it is to be present and efficient when lives are at stake. Thanks to the great work of MSF over three thousands lives were saved."Francesco Zizola






Sebastián Liste has won 3rd prize in the Daily Life category of World Press Photo 2016 for his story 'Citizen Journalism in Brazil's Favelas'. 


"You know that the world is changing when you meet a group of young people that are using social media to fight against police brutally and to protect human rights in their marginalized community. This collective of citizen journalists was ignored by traditional media and threatened by the authorities. I am glad that World Press Photo will allow them to get the international attention they deserve" Sebastián Liste