A Violent Thread
By Jon Lowenstein
Syria Via whatsapp
by Tanya Habjouqa
Right to identity
by Pep Bonet
In the same boat
by Francesco Zizola
The most beautiful hell I know
The Dwarf Empire
by Sanne De Wilde
When the sky comes looking for you
Forced: Child Labour & Explotation
Lincoln's Promise
by Jon Lowenstein
by Stanley Greene
In the Oil Sands
Brazil’s Range War: Assault on the Amazon
by Kadir van Lohuizen
Lüderitz Speed Challenge
Un Filon En Or: La véritable histoire de l’or «togolais» raffiné en Suisse
Showreel 2017
The New Brazil
Blackfields: Poland’s Coal Industry
Girlztalk - trailer
A Paradise in Peril
Shadows of Change