Filip Jakubowski



Divorce was my mother’s idea. In fact, she never explained to me why she wanted this divorce. I did not ask really. It completly destroyed my dad who had to move out and start life from scratch. This project is an investigation for me. How our family really looked like, what led to all of this? It is an attempt to confront the myth that I created about my family, home and parents.

Filip Jakubowski

My name is Filip Jakubowski. I am 21 years old. Currently I am studying photography at The Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź in Poland. Before that I studied anthropology at Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Jagiellonian University. I am primary interest in personal documentary, in a matters that directly affects and shapes me. I strongly believe in words

“The more specific you are, the more general it’ll be.” by Diane Arbus.