Bart Brouwer


House of Buffalo Bulls

Mzinyathi (Zulu for ‘House of Buffalo Bulls’) is a peri-urban settlement about 30 km northwest of Durban, South Africa. The settlement suffered from the under-development of South Africa’s spatially segregated rural homelands under apartheid. As a result, the area maintained its strong rural and traditional character. The area, which stretches over a wide and hilly area, is under traditional authority and many people still practice old Zulu customs. There is a strong attachment to place in the settlement. The residents value the tight-knit community and the rural character while still being close to the city.

Bart Brouwer

Bart Brouwer (the Netherlands, 1991) is a self-taught photographer based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He is a master’s graduate in International Development Studies. Bart aims to combine his knowledge of sustainability and development issues with photography in order to contribute to social and environmental justice.