Hester den Boer



During Stalin’s reign 18 million people were killed, exiled or imprisoned. The gulag camps where spread all over the Soviet Union. After Stalin is was forbidden to talk about the atrocities and the Russian society has never dealt with this dark history. All over Russia there are undiscovered mass graves and there is almost no family untouched by the Stalinist terror.

Lately, under the repressive regime of Putin, Stalin became more popular. At the same time the memory of the years of the Stalinist repression is becoming a taboo.

According to a recent poll 45 percent of the Russians think positive of Stalin. Two years earlier this was only 25 percent. In the new schoolbooks Stalin is described as a great leader and an effective manager. The Stalinist repression was necessary to win the second world war and to protect the country against enemies and spies. Just as this is necessary today.

Hester den Boer

Hester den Boer is a photographer and investigative journalist from The Netherlands. She publishes in several Dutch magazines, under which De Groene Amsterdamm. She is specialized in Russia and the Stalinist past, on which she did research in the archives of Memorial in Sint Petersburg for six months in 2009.

Since 2010 she goes on a regular basis on long journalistic trips to Russia, mostly to Siberia and the far North. She founded the online platform ‘Mother Russia, small stories from a big country’ (www.moederrusland.nl) on which she publishes photo stories on the daily live in the outskirts of Russia. During her travels she mostly stays at peoples houses, which enables her to portray them in an intimate way.

Since two years she is completely focused on the significance of the Stalinist past in the current day Russia. She is working on a book on his subject which will be published in 2017.

One of her research projects was nominated for the European Press Prize 2015.