Camilla Piana


The roots are oriented towards water

“The roots are oriented towards the water” is the story of a place kissed by a river and moved by the hum of the forest. It is a story of melancholy and tenderness, of landscapes and inner looks. A picture of vivid details placed in a frame that moves between the lightness of everyday life and the weight of memory. A self-portrait, whose roots are born from the river and then move along its banks through the lives of those who live there and the landscape that lives around. Inside there are the seasons, the harvests, the scent of bread on Sunday mornings, the wine, country figures, the scent of freshly cut wood, the earth under the fingers, the turnips and flowers, the song of cicadas and silence of the hearth, the folly of the province and the wisdom of the simple. This is the story of how my eyes still want to see the enchantment that, since I was a child, binds me to this little corner of the world, where the purity of water and the greatness of the evening still exist. This is my invisible city. My country without a name. My roots. My personal way of dreaming again, of still laughing, of crying again, to say fuck off to death and forgetfulness. I lost my father a year ago and this is my way of staying with him again among the tomatoes of his vegetable garden.

Camilla Piana

Camilla Piana is born in Autumn, on 1988, in a small town on the hill side of Italy. From 2014, she documentary fine art photographer and visual artist. Through a cinematographic and contemplative vision of landscape and portraiture, her research is focused on the relationship between dream and reality, truth and comedy, realism and fantasy, documentary and poetry. Now she is working on two long-term projects, one in Africa, one in Italy, in her country of origin: both revolve around the concept of loss. Currently she lives and works in Milan, Italy.