Tomaso Clavarino



“Padan(I)a Superiore” is a visual survey of the territory along the former SS11 Padana Superiore road, that links Turin to Venice, across Northern Italy. An analysis of the urban space, its margins, the environment and places where people live and move. And on the road project that wants to be a sort of mapping of a part of Northern Italy that seems to live in a limbo, between the memory of an industrial past and a future full of uncertainties. A visual story on the complex relationship between landscape and human presence, on the inevitable changes in the geography and identity of these places. A somehow both sad and ironic vision of the northern Italian province, on its marginsm, its contradictions and suspension in time. A journey started in 2016 and not yet completed.

Tomaso Clavarino

I’m an Italian documentary photographer born in 1986 with an MA in Contemporary History. Since 2014 my work has been published by several newspapers, magazines and media outlets such as Newsweek, The New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Al Jazeera, The Atlantic, Washington Post, Vanity Fair, VICE, Huck Magazine, Courrier, International, etc… In parallel with my work for media outlets I also pursue more personal and long term projects. My works have been exhibited and screened in several art galleries, festivals and public spaces, such as Fotografia Europea in Reggio Emilia, Athens Photo Festival, Photo Kathmandu, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Format Fes val in Derby, Obscura Fes val in Penang, Encontros da Imagem in Braga and so on. I am based in Torino, Italy.