Carlo Lombardi
Dead Sea
The loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) lives throughout the oceans and seas all over the world, prefers breeding in temperate and subtropical regions. Since 2015, Caretta caretta has been enclosed in the Red List of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) and it has been classified as ‘vulnerable’, as subjected to extinction. Scientists believe that the world population of this species is decreasing. These animals are very sensitive and pay for several human activities, such as: man exploitation of the coasts, due to artificial light in breeding areas, global warming (the increase of the sand temperature inside the nests affects the sex of the about to be born), pollution and bycatch fishing are the main treats for this species. Even if man, in this case, looks like a torturer, he has got also all the instruments and remedies to put an end to this massacre: there is a net of professionals (doctors, vets, biologists, marine biologists) who freely carry on several researches and activities, surveys, advertising and sensitive campaigns. Each year, thanks to their presence and working cooperation, hundreds of specimens are saved and released in their natural sea habitat.
Carlo Lombardi
Carlo Lombardi was born in Pescara in 1988. He is a freelance photographer who does long-term independent projects using a contemporary photographic language. His method is based on an in-depth period of study, research and classification of all elements essential to defining a story. His interest is focused on the complex relationship existing between man and environment and on the exploration of their fragility. In 2015 he completed “Jörg e Cam” a photo project he came up with after meeting Jörg e Cam and the desire to recount their intimate relationship. In 2016, he began working on “Dead Sea,” an investigation into the causes driving the extinction of the loggerhead sea turtles (Carretta carretta) in the Mediterranean.