Leonard Pongo — Newsroom — NOOR

Leonard Pongo

NOOR at ImageSingulières | Workshop

This intensive 2-day workshop, led by NOOR authors Alixandra Fazzina and Leonard Pongo, will allow emerging photographers to develop their documentary project – from conception to dissemination.

This workshop will provide both relevant industry insights as well as individual feedback and advice for each participating photographer. This workshop will take place in English.

© Alixandra Fazzina / NOOR

© Alixandra Fazzina / NOOR

The workshop will take place on May 30th & 31st 2019, at the Ancien Collège Victor Hugo, Sète, France

NOOR showcases 2018 Nikon-NOOR Academy Second Session Students' Projects

NOOR is proud to share the projects of 2018 Nikon-NOOR Academy Second Session students.

NOOR visual-storytellers Benedicte Kurzen, Sanne De Wilde, Francesco Zizola, Sebastian Liste, Jon Lowenstein, Tanya Habjouqa, Kadir van Lohuizen and Leonard Pongo led 49 students in the masterclasses held in Italy, Hungary and Switzerland. During four intensive days of the Nikon-NOOR Academy, each group reviewed and shared their portfolios, listened to presentations by the photographers, held in-depth discussions on practical and creative issues, and edited their visual stories.

The masterclasses have been made possible thanks to the generous support of Nikon Europe.



2018 Nikon-NOOR Academy Second Session

Participants in Italy:

Alessia Rollo
Camilla Ferrari
Camilla Piana
Camillo Pasquarelli
Elias Holzknecht
Elisabetta Zavoli
Emilienne Malfatto
Francesca Volpi
Giulia Frigieri
Lucas Bäuml
Marco Tiberio
Michele Spatari
Stefano Sbrulli
Valeria Cherchi


Participants in Hungary:

Aleksandra Bardas
Andras Polgar
Andrea Alai
Elena Anosova
Elipe Mahe
Istvan Bielik
Istvan Juhasz
Jeanne Frank
Marton Monus
Nik Neubauer
Pavel Bogolepov
Pavel Nasadil
Pavlo Bishko
Stanislava Novgorodtseva
Tamas Soki
Viktoryia Gerasimava
Zsolt Balazs
Zuzana Gogova


2018 Nikon-NOOR Academy Second Session



2018 Nikon-NOOR Academy Second Session

Participants in Switzerland:

Anne Ackermann
Charlotte Hooij
Claudia Schildknecht
Florian Spring
Hugh Kinsella Cunningham
Kristina Steiner
Lukas Kreibig
Marion Bernet
Matthieu Zellweger
Meinrad Schade
Nadia Natascha Horsted-Narejo
Nathalie Taiana
Nicholas Constant
Olivia Sasse
Ronald Pizzoferrato
Tamina-Florentine Zuch
Tim Rod

Talk with NOOR’s photographers Tanya Habjouqa, Jon Lowenstein, Léonard Pongo

Photo by Keystone

Keystone-SDA, NOOR Foundation and Nikon Europe invite to join for an evening with NOOR’s award-winning photographers Tanya Habjouqa (JO/US), Jon Lowenstein (US), Léonard Pongo (BE).

« Intimacy of place and the tools of telling »

NOOR photographers will share key insights used to develop personal projects and their unique paths through photography. They will share previously unseen work and explore how to move beyond a linear narrative. Join us for an evening conversation to transcend what has been strictly documentary into a new terrain of documentary photography by incorporating the humane, personal, and collaborative into the unexpected.

The conversation will be hosted in English by Agata Bar, Editorial Director at NOOR Images. Afterwards there will be the opportunity for personal conversations at the Daizy Bar.

Public event – Please register your participation by email marketing@keystone-sda.ch.

The three NOOR photographers will be in Zurich from 3 to 6 December, 2018 on occasion of an international Masterclass program, run by Keystone-SDA’s partner agency NOOR and graciously supported by Nikon Europe. Read more about the 2018 Nikon-NOOR Academy.
