Arriaga – Mexico City – Nogales


Rafts are used to transport local people, migrants and goods across the Suchiate river between Guatemala and Mexico.

For Central American migrants Mexico is the first real obstacle. Mexico nowadays rehire visas for most and under pressure, has stepp​ed up their border control.


The border between Mexico and the USA seen from Nogales in Mexico. In 2011, the wall has been replaced by a new one, which is 7-8 metres high. Before it was a closed wall now you can look through it. This was requested by the US border patrol in orde​r to see what was happening on the other side.


La Arrocera is a dangerous part in Southern Mexico where migrants often get assaulted. The train has been disrupted due to Hurricane 2005, the hurricane destroyed part of the line. Trains start now in Arriaga to the north. In the months to come the M​exico is re-opening the southern part. The train is used by many migrants to get to the US border.

For Central American migrants Mexico is the first real obstacle. Mexico nowadays rehire visas for most and under pressure, has stepped up their border ​control.
