Around 250 so called iceraod truckers a day travel the Dalton highway between Fairbanks and Deadhorse. They supply the oil companies in Prudhoe Bay.
Deadhorse is the end of the Panamerican highway at 70°N 148°W on the coast of the Arctic ocean. Deadh​orse never really existed until oil was found in Prudhoe Bay and the Trans-Alaska pipeline system was build. The residents of Deadhorse are almost all migrant workers from the US and Latin America who work in the oil. The population is around 5000. T​he Trans-Alaska pipeline was constructed between 1974 and 1977 after the 1973 oil crisis. Currently the pipeline transports around 700,000 barrels a day. The oilfields are being leased and are mostly based on native land, nevertheless the companies d​eny access to any outsiders.

Cameron Milroy (25) was born in Kotzebue on the west coast of Alaska. His mother is native, his father Scottish - Irish. He grew up with his father in Oregon. When Cameron was 20 years he came back to Alaska and got a job with Nanan (a native oil com​pany) in Deadhorse. 'I started as a cleaner, but now I am a 'level 1' truck driver. I enjoy the climate here.