Kuna Yala — Panama City

Kuna Yala (San Blas) consists of a long narrow ​strip of land and an archipelago of 365 islands, of which 36 are inhabited. Due to the rising of the sea level the Kuna's have to evacuate to the mainland; the islands become too dangerous to live in. August 2012 the first four islands will be evacuat​ed. Its the teritorium of the Kuna indigenous who have an autonomy they fought for in 1925.


It was already in 1​854 that the first Chinese came to Panama to work on the Panamanian railway, many of them came down from the US after the gold rush. By now its the largest number of Chinese in central America: 200,000. In the 80's when the China was opening up their​ was a second big wave of Chinese arriving. Panamanian Chinese have a stung influence on the Panamanian economy.
